Thursday, April 30, 2009

I'm ready for the weekend, or am I ?

Almost Friday, and am I ready for the weekend or what! This week seems to have dragged on too long. maybe it is because the kids have been off school Swine flu alert) and I have had to find things other than TV to entertain them, or maybe its because I can't seem to finish any one thing I start and things are piling up and I am becoming overwhelmed with the thought of spending my weekend finishing up said projects. My perfect weekend (Saturday) would be.....getting to sleep in until 8:30 am. getting out of the house without the kids seeing me, hitting a few yard sales, stopping to pick up a subway(foot long) sandwich and a diet coke. Going in to see a movie OF MY CHOICE, and sitting back to enjoy the next 2 hours in peace and quiet. After the movie I would go the the local library and browse a few of the magazines I would love to subscribe to but can't possibly justify, then I would dawdle on home and brace myself for what lies beyond the front door. Check out this page on Monday and see how I actually spend my Saturday.

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