Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Fun in the afternoon.

Today Folau got off work early, so we headed out to Canyon Lake. Kati had other plans, so It was just William, Folau and myself and the dogs.
Folau set up camp , enough shade for one.

I was relaxing on my floaty until I was used as a life raft by Maya and Zorro.
William and Maya.

The water was fabulous, clear and warm.
Here is a picture of me watching the clouds. I must have been out there for almost one hour,
I see a rabbit in this one.

William is a little fish, couldn't get him out of the water.
Poor Zorro doesn't like being in the water too much.

Maya on the other hand just loves it.

Folau did a bit of fishing too.
I think we are going to have to be spontaneous more often. What a great afternoon.


Sonia said...

You're lucky your dogs will even get in! Our dog Chavez even has a life jacket and we have to force him. He always has the fear of death in his eyes...

Unknown said...

ur dogs are so cute!!!
