Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers Day 2009

What a great weekend I have had, a busy Saturday, which included a nap and a stint at chuckee cheese with the kids, But Today was fabulous. Got up, went to church, then home to be waited on by the family. Folau was into it this year too, yippee. William was so excited to give me his present, he has been working on it for a few days at school, He was sure I would love it, and I do. He painted me an orchid in watercolors. He is a great budding artist in many ways. Kati surprised me by cleaning the kitchen, without being asked.WOW, and Folau and kati gave me some moolah, with instructions to buy anything I want. All of this followed by a Sunday afternoon nap and no cooking made my day perfect.

1 comment:

l.hollie said...

i LOVE this painting!!! WOW! beautiful! tell wills to paint one for me!!!